Workshop: Green Issues

Les Arcs Film Festival animated a workshop on green issue for film festival, within the MIOB Network.

As event organizers and cultural actors, film festivals have a responsibility to sensitization of the audience and professionals on social issues. Climate change has become the most important challenge of our society, and it leads us to change our practices in order to lower the impact on the environment of film festivals we organize.
That is why, within the MIOB activities, a workshop dedicated to staff members of the seven MIOB-film festivals has been organized online on June 14th & 15th, 2021 to share the common and individual actions we could implement to become more green-friendly events.
A green Charter has been worked on, to set up a common basis of analysis, aiming at defining processes and methods of data collection, that will be necessary to draw strategies and define goals to achieve in the coming years. The Green Charter is seen as a first step of more general collective move within the film festival circuit.
For more information or to stay tuned on this charter, please do not hesitate to visit the website and to subscribe to the information list: greencharterforfilmfestivals.org/