Open Call: 1º LAB of festival journalism
MIOB-Workshop @Seville European Film Festival: 1º LAB of cultural, creative and festival journalism
How to practice creative journalism at a film festival?
Open call until 25th of October!
The European Festival Network MIOB (MOVING IMAGES - OPEN BORDERS) pioneers a specific action dedicated to graduates in Cinema and/or Journalism, but also to journalists from any other area who are specially interested in cultural media and cinema. This workshop for young film critics will be coordinated by the Seville European Film Festival.
With this lab, MIOB seeks to form a community of young cultural journalists.
We are convinced that the quality cinema, the cinema in which we believe in and that we promote, must be appreciated by analysing it, thinking about it and discussing it. Auteur cinema cannot be understood without critique and cinema journalism since these genres have systematically contributed to highlight and understand the constant changes of this art. Despite the dangerous moment that cinema journalism is going through, we are aware that there is a new generation of critics and cinema journalists that have their own way of writing and expressing themselves remarkably different from their senior colleagues.
By doing this, we would promote those new voices, offering them the opportunity to attend European events. We will also enrich our website with interesting content, and especially, generating reflections about the films we screen. As festivals, we also need the talented people we bring to our cities to express themselves and have visibility in the traditional media and on the Internet.
1º LAB of cultural, creative and festival journalism is an initiative from the European Festival Network MIOB and coordinated by the Seville European Film Festival. It is a project financed jointly by the European Union within the framework of Film Festivals networks action and it is free for the selected grant-holders.
We are looking for a maximum of 10 young Europeans who would like to learn journalistic resources focused on the cultural field, especially, on cinema.
The main goal is to promote training of journalists specialised in culture who can benefit from a tutored training with top-level specialists in cultural journalism and who can experience field work from a film festival. It is a unique opportunity to support future cultural journalists.
This lab combines online training, with 4 previous formative sessions (that will cover aspects such as the empathic interview, the creative critique, the documented article / report and digital / audiovisual journalism, in order to reach new audiences through social media) and face-to-face practical training at the Seville European Film Festival.
The people selected will create content for the festivals and MIOB websites with interviews with film crews, articles and any other proposal the festival or the selected people themselves may make. The articles, once their quality standards have been reviewed, can be uploaded to the attended festival website and to the MIOB website.
1st Young Cultural Journalists LAB will cover the expenses of travel, accommodation and festival accreditation thanks to the Creative Europe Media Program grant.
ONLINE previous training sessions:
4 formative sessions with top-level experts in European cultural journalism. They will take place from 2 until 5 November, the previous days of the Seville European Film Festival. All selected people will participate in these sessions.
The selected people will be divided into two groups of a maximum of 5 people. Each group will attend the 18th edition of the Seville European Film Festival on different dates: One group from 5 until 9 of November and the second group from 9 until 13 of November 2021.
Registration will be free and it will be exclusively through the correct completion of the following FORM.
Any person who meets the following requirements can registrate:
- Legal age under 30 years old.
- Hold a university degree.
- Being someone passionate about cinema and culture.
- No more than 5 years should have passed since obtaining a said university degree.
- Fluent command of the English language (written and spoken).
- Native-like command (spoken and written) of Spanish would be an asset.
- Provable experience in cultural articles, especially film-related articles (in any format: print, video, audio or online media) or any creative form of a daily report.
To register, you would need to provide us with the following documents:
- Motivation letter
- Current CV
- A recommendation letter from an editor (in chief) if applicable.
- 3 pieces (written, audio or video) of recent work.
Open call until 25th of October: FORM.