Interactive Contest

Interactive Contest ‘European Film Stories’

Novelty by the European Film Festival Palić, taking place on July 15-21 in Serbia. On the jubilee 30th festival’s edition, a contest European Film Stories has been launched. By participating in an interactive game, the festival’s audience of around 25 000 can discover which Serbian films have left a mark on the history of European cinema, find out whether Fellini's village from the movie Amarkord is true or purely fictional along with other interesting facts about the greatest European and Serbian filmmakers of all time. The algorithm personalizes the data and recommends films from this year’s festival program based on the participants’ preferences.

Furthermore, actors provide commentary on the film choices and share additional stories in the video content that follows.

Participants who share scenes from their favorite films and tag #palicfilmfestival on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok have the chance to win a laptop in the contest.