World Cleanup Day Challenge

Today, September 16th is the World Cleanup Day. Alone, in a group or with a sweeper, help the environment by getting rid of rubbish, sorting things to reuse and recycle and deciding what unnecessary items you could avoid buying.

Sign up for the Green Challenge: Office-cleaning week from Monday to Friday, ending with a small party for the staff members!

World Cleanup Day was introduced by the "Let's Do It! World" organisation with headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia. Around 25,000,000 participants from 191 countries claim to clean their environment on the 16th of September. Impressed by that, the UN is planning to include World Cleanup Day in its September calendar in 2024.

Working in the film festival? Go the extra mile: Fill in the Green Charter for film festivals while doing the clean-up. Start with calculating printed materials and the festival’s used items like tents, carpets and so on.

Let’s make a change towards a healthier and more sustainable environment!

Photo: Scanorama arranges the digital clean-up on this occasion.